1. Information & Services

Our company undertakes to make every effort to ensure to the users the truth, accuracy and completeness of the information provided on its electronic website, regarding the identity and details of both the company and its partners, as well as the main or essential characteristics of the services available through the website. It reserves and is not bound for any technical or typographical errors made inadvertently during common experience or after incorrect indication of a cooperating company or due to reasons of force majeure and which it agrees to correct if they come to its attention.

2. Intellectual property

This website and its content (including texts, graphics, images, pictures, photographs, designs, products and software) are the intellectual property of the company or third parties contracted with the company and are protected by Greek Community and international laws on trademarks and industrial and intellectual property as well as the presentation of the above on this website under no circumstances should be construed as a transfer or assignment of a license or right to use them. The reproduction, re-publication, uploading, communication, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the content of this website in any way or means for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written permission of our company or any other legal copyright holder.

3.User liability

Each User / visitor is obliged, agrees and undertakes to use the services, information and data of our electronic website as provided by law and based on the rules of good faith and trade morals. Before you enter and use our electronic website, www.jiks.gr, please read carefully and make sure that you understand and agree to these terms, rules, statements and conditions, as your further use and browsing of it implies your express and unconditional consent and acceptance of them. The use of the website is subject to the Greek, European and International legal rules and the User agrees not to use our site in a way that violates the applicable rules or sound and trade morals.

In the context of the above, the User agrees and undertakes not to use our website, indicatively and not restrictively, for the following purposes:

-sending, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any content that is unlawful for any reason, causes offence and harm to our company or any third party or violates the confidentiality or privacy of any person’s information.

-sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or transmitting by other means any content that causes offence to sound morals, social values, minors, etc., namely by disseminating threatening, racist, insulting, offensive, annoying, slanderous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene or generally harmful content.

-sending, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any content to which users do not have the right to transmit by law or applicable contracts (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information acquired or disclosed as part of employment relationships or covered by confidentiality agreements).

-sending, posting, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of our company or third parties.

-sending, posting, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any material that contains software viruses or any other code, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage, destroy or equip the operation of any software or computer hardware.

-violation of applicable laws or regulations, whether intentional or not.

-harassment of third parties in any way.

-collection or storage of personal data about other users.

Any use contrary to the above, apart from any civil liability, will result in the termination of the services provided without any notice.

4.Limitation of liability

Our company shall not be liable for any legal or civil and/or criminal claims or for any damage (positive, special or consequential which, indicatively and not restrictively, disjunctively and/or cumulatively, consists of loss of profits, data, lost profits, monetary compensation, etc. ) by visitors to the website or third parties for reasons related to the operation or not and/or the use of the website and/or the inability to provide services and/or information available from the website and/or any unauthorized interference by third parties in products and/or services and/or information available through this website.

The company is not responsible for any technical problems that may occur to users when they attempt to access the website or during their visit to it and are related to the operation or compatibility of their own infrastructure with the use of the website or a technical problem of the Internet provider. It also does not guarantee that its website or any other related site or the servers through which they are made available to visitors – members, do not contain “viruses” or other harmful programs. The company reserves the right to change, add, remove in any way the content of this website without notice.

5. “Links” to other websites

Where our website contains links to third party websites, the company is not responsible for the content of these pages and for any damage or harm that may arise from their use, as the visitor has access to them exclusively by his/her own choice and responsibility. In particular, the company is not obliged to check the availability, the content, the personal data protection policy, the quality and completeness of the services of other websites and websites to which it refers through “hyperlinks” or advertising messages (banners). Therefore, for any problem that may arise during their use, the User should address directly to the respective websites and webpages, who are responsible for the provision of their services. The provision of any links on the website is for the convenience of the User and the company in no way approves, does not accept and is not responsible for the content of any link.

6. Protection of Personal Data

A. The protection of the User’s personal data is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EU and in general by the applicable national and European legislative and regulatory framework for the protection of personal data. During the use of the website of the “Company”, the data automatically collected for technical reasons are:

This technical information may, in certain cases, constitute personal data. As a general rule, we use technical information, however, only to the extent necessary for technical reasons, for the operation and protection of our website against cyber-attacks and malicious use, and in pseudonymous or anonymous form for statistical purposes.

The use of this website, all services and its content are subject to the above terms of use. If the visitor considers these terms unacceptable for him, for any reason, he is requested not to use the website. The use of this website by the visitor, constitutes full acceptance, consent, approval and agreement on the part of the user, of all these terms of use and the terms of the privacy policy.

B. The company does not aim at collecting information or conducting transactions with minors. It is our aim that minors do not transact for our products and services without the consent of their parent(s) or legal guardian. We also make reasonable efforts not to maintain in our databases personal data relating to minor users.

Our company only retains the information required to execute and ship your order for the minimum period of time required by law depending on the category of data. The rest of the data and especially the photos are kept by our company for a period of 5 days to 6 months for your convenience in case of repeating the same orders and are deleted immediately afterwards.

All our partners, as well as our staff, are bound by confidentiality clauses in relation to the processing of personal data of our customers

Our company collects and keeps exclusively the personal data that you communicate to us in the context of your communication with the company or your registration on our website or during the execution of our transaction. Information that may be requested from users is your name, email address (e-mail), a username (username) a password (password), your credit card number, the order shipping address (street, city, postal code), and your contact details.

If you specify a friend’s address as the shipping address, we will collect the information necessary to ship the order, such as name and address. Finally, we process the photos you send us to execute your order. If the photos are intended for professional use (e.g. for business promotion purposes) we remind you that you must have obtained the consent of the depicted persons.

Our company does not distribute any information concerning the users of the website to any other natural or legal person other than the company’s partner who mediates for the execution of your transactions and whom the user personally chooses. The photos included in your orders are not visible or available to any third party and the final product is sent to you in a secure opaque, closed and sealed package. The data kept in our file may be communicated to the competent judicial, police and other administrative authorities upon their legal request and in accordance with the applicable provisions.


Return Policy

You have 5 days, from receipt of your order, to notify us if you wish to exchange an item, only if it is in its original condition (without any scratches or be broken)
Please note that goods that are personalized or made-to-order to your specific requirements can not be returned.
The cost of return postage will be at your expense unless the goods are faulty or the Seller offers a free returns' service.

Just contact us directly to let us know that you wish to exchange your product.


Το κόστος των μεταφορικών είναι 3€ για αγορές εντός Ελλάδος (με αντικαταβολή είναι +5€). Δωρεάν μεταφορικά για αγορές άνω των 60€. Αφού αποσταλεί, η παράδοση γίνεται σε 1-5 ημέρες, εξαρτάται από την τοποθεσία σας.